You may be familiar with Dr. Mehmet Oz who often appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show. He now has his own syndicated televison show. This past August he and his co-inventors had a patent issue titled “System and Method for Determining an Objective Measure of Human Beauty.” It is patent number 8,005,270.
Claim 1 of the patent reads:
1. A beauty quantification system comprising:
a beauty quantification processor;
a beauty measure datastore, wherein the beauty measure datastore comprises quantifiable measures of beauty of a body region;
a beauty score datastore;
a user computing device;
a network; and
a beauty enhancement processor,
wherein the beauty quantification processor comprises instructions for:
receiving user data indicative of physical attributes of a selected body region of the user;
obtaining measures of beauty from the beauty measures datastore associated with the selected body region;
evaluating the user data against the beauty measures of the selected body region;
determining a user score indicative of the beauty of the selected body region of the user;
storing the user score in the beauty score datastore; and
comparing the user score to a score stored in the beauty score datastore; and
wherein the beauty enhancement processor comprises instructions for:
receiving from the user a selection for an enhancement of the selected body region;
applying the selected enhancement to the selected body region; and
determining an enhanced user score indicative of the beauty of the selected body region after application of the selected enhancement.
You can read the entire patent [here].