The Senate Judiciary Committee quietly conducted the confirmation hearing for Raymond Chen last Wednesday. While only three senators on the committee were present for the hearing, the questioning was refreshingly more patent-centric than in recent hearings for Federal Circuit nominees.
The video of the April 24th hearing is available at this page: [Link].
You can view the introduction of Mr. Chen at the 23:20 minute mark.
Mr. Chen makes his own introductions at the 29:25 minute mark. There was an impressive turnout of supporters.
The questioning by the senators can be viewed at approximately the 38:00-41:16 (Hirono), 41:16-49:48 (Grassley), and 58:40-1:01:59 (Lee) minute segments.
One might wonder if Senator Hirono has drunk the Kool-Aid of the anti-software-patent lobby, based on some of her questioning. She strikes me, however, as much more astute than that.